I need to be able to demo deployment of a maven webapp project to both the sandbox tomcat 6 and a standalone tomcat 6 server using the tomcat-maven-plugin. Both servers use port 8081 so as not to conflict with other processes, but only one will be running at any given time.
I’ve updated my local settings.xml to define the server, and have added a manager role to a copy of tomcat-users.xml. An ant script in an imported “utility” project installs these as follows:
settings.xml to ~/.m2
tomcat-users.xml to {standalone tomcat}/conf
tomcat-users.xml to {workspace/.metadata/…./tomcat}/conf
The web project’s pom has the appropriate plugins defined.
Deployment to the standalone server works filne, but to the sandbox I consistenty get “Reason: Cannot invoke Tomcat manager”. I believe the authentication should be working, since it works for the standalone server.
Am I missing something about how the sandbox tomcat 6 is configured and started? I’m concerned because, in addition to the deploy not working, I also cannot display the apache status or docs pages, which I typically do to demo a clean install.
Config: Vista Business SP1; MyEclipse 6.0.1; m2eclipse; tomcat-maven-plugin (resolved to 1.0-alpha-1).