I have a project named “JakartaTagLibs-StandardExamples” in a directory named “…/JakartaTagLibsStandardExamples” with the Web-context root specified as “/standard-examples” Notice: I intentionally changed the name of the project slightly from the name of the project directory so I would know which name was being used for deployment.
When deploying to WebLogic 8, the directory created in the WebLogic domain root directory is named “JakartaTagLibs-StandardExamples” (the name of the project).
Pointing my browser to “http://localhost:7001/standard-examples” yields a 404-not found error but “http://localhost:7001/JakartaTagLibs-StandardExamples” works fine. I was expecting the Web-contect root directory to be properly mapped or used as the name of the directory in the WebLogic domain root directory. What is the correct behavior?