
Deployment – ant script and MyEclipse

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  • #205896 Reply

    This post was listed at http://www.eclipse-plugins.info/eclipse/plugin_comments.jsp?id=317
    Thanks to the MyEclipse guys for putting up the E3M8 update to their software. I’ve just finished my setup and things are working good.

    But still have one issue I hope someone can help me resolve. The build script I’m using is pretty complex and during deployment there is a lot more going on than moving files/directories around. Lots of generated code, etc. So unless I’m mistaken can’t use the deploy function of MyEclipse to deploy my project to the app server. That’s quite OK. I didn’t expect the product to do that but its something to think about in the future (i.e. stronger Ant support).

    Anyway, my question is this. I want to be able to deploy using my ant script but I still want the niceness of being able to edit JSPs in Eclipse, save the edits and observe the changes real time on my app server without having to do a JSP re-deploy. It seems the deploy functions in MyE are tied to this capability but what happens if I’m not constantly deploying using MyE but I’m using my ant script. Can I still deploy JSPs real time to a target app server? I have tried various ways to do this by deploying ant and deploying using MyE after but still have not been able to do this. It would be a big time saver for me.

    Thx for any responses.

    #205915 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I talked with the dev team and we think this shouldn’t be a problem. What you want to try and do is:

      1) Deploy your app, even if its broken, using the MyEclipse deployment tool in Exploded War Format. This will connect up the autodeployment functionality to your app.
      2) Now run your Ant script to *really* deploy your app

    Keep in mind that this will only work as long as the structure and location of the JSP files stays in the same place, if your Ant script does a lot of manipulation and moving of files, then this probably won’t work. Once you have completed these steps, now when you make edits to any JSP files, the MyEclipse deployment tool should deploy it for you, and you don’t need to rerun your Ant script.

    Let us know if that works for you.

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