
Deployment of the dependent projects [Closed]

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  • #198741 Reply


    I have a following problem (maybe it was discussed in this forum before but I haven’t found references to it)
    I’m creating EAR project with Web project and EJB project (3 project)
    In EJB project I’m creating ejb in Web – Struts client.
    When I deploy then Web project to Tomcat it does not include anything from the EJB project and thus the the web application is not working.
    Also all libs that are included in the build path are not deployed to the web project.

    Does anyone know the way how to deploy the web project with ejb one.


    #198746 Reply


    Deploying as an EAR containing Web and EJB projects should not result in problem you are observing since the EAR classloaders know how to set up the WAR->EJB dependencies. This is the default model of MyEclipse. However the model you describe is not an EAR deployment but rather two separate deployements, an EJB project deployment to server A (ejb.jar) and a Web project deployment (web.war) to server B. At this time the MyEclipse deployment packager is not able to identify and package the service tier client-side dependent classes required by a Web Project for this scenario. The resolution is to use a custom Ant script to do the WAR’s packaging since this is two separate deployments which MyEclipse does not support.

    Also, libraries on the build path are not considered part of a deployment. For web project deployment only the contents under the web-root (e.g., <webroot>/WEB-INF/lib) are included in the deployment. We have a concept known as a “dependent project” under development that will support jar packaging of specially marked Java/MyEclipse projects as part of the deployment process of a Web, EJB, or EAR project.

    I hope this helps.

    MyEclipse Support

    #198748 Reply


    Thanx a lot Michael. You’ve clarify things for me. I just thought that MyEclipse resolves dependensies between Web and EJB project.


    #199078 Reply


    @support wrote:

    We have a concept known as a “dependent project” under development that will support jar packaging of specially marked Java/MyEclipse projects as part of the deployment process of a Web, EJB, or EAR project.

    Great Feature! Is there any schedule already?

    #199082 Reply


    See comments on the following thread:


    MyEclipse Support

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