
Deployment of war to weblogic

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  • #265857 Reply

    while trying to deploy war file on weblogic from myeclipse icon i am getting ‘INVALID’ text in my deply textbox.
    can you pls let me know the reason for this.

    i am able to run the weblogic without any issues from myeclipse.


    #265906 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Open your project properties for your web project, go to MyEclipse > Web and make sure the value filled in for the deployed context is valid.

    #266029 Reply


    i did as advised but still the same problem.

    I will just repeat to confirm if i made my problem clear.

    After clicking on icon for ‘Deploy myeclipse J2ee project to server..’ i get a window , there when i select the j2ee project and click add, a new window pops up , in that select weblogic in server drop down, as soon as i do this i get ‘INVALID’ in Deploy location text box.
    can i give a print screen to show it better?

    pls let me know the reason for this.

    Sandeep Saluja

    #266118 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    The problem is likely that your Weblogic server connector has not been configured correctly. Can you take a look at our Application Servers Quickstart and see if the configuration steps shown have all been performed. Also, please have a look at this FAQ entry that shows what a configured WebLogic 8 connector looks like.

    #266144 Reply

    Thanks for all the help.Issue resolved ,it was web project naming problem.

    Long live Myeclipse :), you close this post now.

    #266225 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Sandeep, glad it’s working, thank you for the update.

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