I am just trialing MyEclipse (v.3.8.4) as an alternative to WSAD (currently favoured IDE).
Firstly, I assume I am responsible for manually generating and maintaining the WebSphere extension and binding deployment descriptors?
I have configured WebSphere under MyEclipse and it starts ok. I have created an EAR file with a simple WAR file (one stastic html file). I have also created an expanded deployment for my EAR file and it appears under the WebSphere directory structure. However, if I start WebSphere I can’t access my application.
I am assuming this is due to it not actually being deployed on WebSphere. If I export the EAR file and deploy it through the WebSphere admin console it works okay and MyEclipse keeps it up to date. Is this how MyEclipse works (i.e. you must deploy the application manually) or am I missing something?