
derbyclient.jar not showing up in Referenced Libraries

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  • #297547 Reply


    I am building a Java Swing application with the integrated sandbox Derby database and am having trouble finding the derbyclient.jar file for running the project.

    I created a regular Java project, added the Hibernate libraries, but cannot figure out how to get the derbyclient.jar file to show up in the Referenced Libraries. Other libraries like the swing-layout-1.0.3.jar have magically shown up in the Referenced Libraries folder in the Package Explorer, but the derbyclient.jar has not shown up.

    Actually what is confusing me is that on another project, it seemed that the derbyclient.jar file just magically appeared in the Referenced libraries, and it is on trying to replicate the project in a separate workspace that I am having trouble figuring out where the derbyclient.jar file came from in the original project.

    I have downloaded a version of Derby, but the derbyclient.jar file from that distribution does not match the one that is in my original project, leading me to believe that the original derbyclient.jar file was somehow magically included from the sandbox Derby in a way that I cannot replicate.

    How do I get the sandbox derbyclient.jar file included in the Referenced Libraries?

    I am using MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench Version 7.1.1 Build id: 7.1.1-20090310.


    #297588 Reply


    Did you just add the Hibernate libs or did you add the “Hibernate Capabilities”? I made a Java project, added Hibernate Capabilities against Derby and the Derby jar was automagically added to the lib dir and build path.

    #297596 Reply


    Hi Ray,

    I did add the “Hibernate Capabilities” from the project -> MyEclipse -> Add Hibernate Capabilities…, but I did not see anywhere to specify derby as the database.

    Is there something in particular I am doing wrong when as you say you

    added Hibernate Capabilities against Derby


    #297598 Reply


    I thought that maybe bringing up an HQL editor would force the inclusion of the Derby driver, but that doesn’t work. It just confirms that the driver is not in my lib path when I try to bring up a MyEclipse HQL Editor, it gives me the error:

    Error creating Configuration
    A configuration object could not be built, autocomplete and dynamic query translation will be unavailable.  Queries cannot be executed.
    Problems while loading the database driverclass (org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver).  Please make sure the driver JAR is on your projects build path.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver
    #297645 Reply


    Well I would love to have responded to you with the series of screen shots I just made of the dialogs but I see no !@%@#$ way to attach them to this message so I’ll just state there are four dialogs in the Add Hibernate wizard and the database association is on the third one.

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