
Development Time JSP changes not being compiled correctly.

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  • #226570 Reply


    Some in my group ran into a strange problem that I wanted to run by this group to find out if its a known problem with MyEclipseIDE.

    One of our engineers made a change to a jsp that should have generated a compile error in MyEclipseIDE but didn’t. We looked at the Error tab and there was some specific errors related to MyEclipseIDE that prevented the compilation from starting on the JSP.

    We are running:
    MyEclipseIDE 3.8.4
    Eclipse 3.0.1
    SUN JDK 1.5
    Development OS (Windows XP)

    The only way we were able to get MyEclipseIDE to compile and report an error in the editor was to add the JDK1.5 bin directory to the OS path.


    #226600 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The only way we were able to get MyEclipseIDE to compile and report an error in the editor was to add the JDK1.5 bin directory to the OS path.

    Correctly, this is currently required because the JSP validator needs access to the javac.exe compiler. We have on our TODO list to move this compilation control back into the JDT and use the Eclipse JDT compiler, however it is not a small task and I’ve been told “it will take a while”, so hopefully in a future release after 4.0 is out in late April we can look at removing the dependency on the javac.exe compiler.

    Sorry you had to run into this problem.

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