
Disabled "Add Struts Capabilities" in MyEclipse [C

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  • #226988 Reply


    I have Eclipse Version 3.1.0 Build id: I20050219-1500, and My Eclipse trial Version: 3.8.4 Build id: 200501171200-3.8.4. Clean install – no additional plug ins added.

    History: previously evaluated version of MyEclipse for Eclipse 3.0.

    When I create a web project using Web Project Wizard, “Add Struts Capabilities”, “Add JSF ..” and “Add JSTL …” menu options are disabled.
    “Add Hibernate Capabilities” and the rest of menus is enabled and works fine.
    Is it a limitation of a trial version?

    #226994 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Nothing is disabled during the trial, but make sure:

    1) You are using Eclipse 3.1M4, not M3 and not M5 (those will not work, it must be M4)
    2) And make sure you are using the MyEclipse 3.8.4 BETA for Eclipse 3.1 (under “Eclipse 3.1.x Downloads” in our Downloads sections).

    #227003 Reply


    Thank you for your quick reply,
    It was an environment problem 🙂
    Reinstalling the Eclipse M4 fixed the disabled options problem.

    I still have a problem with the app server plug-gin. Can’t set WebLogic 8 to use DB2 driver.
    Append to library path does not take DLL directory location.
    I’ve created the “myEclipceDB2DriverDlls” directory and added all the dlls from \bin and \function subdirectories.
    Appended following zip files to the class path.
    C:\Program Files\SQLLIB\java\runtime.zip;
    C:\Program Files\SQLLIB\java\sqlj.zip

    Added C:\Program Files\SQLLIB\myEclipceDB2DriverDlls to “Append to library path”.

    When I start the internal weblogic instance I am getting these errors

    Java Virtual Machine Launcher:
    Could not find the main class.Program will exit.

    Error starting Weblogic :
    A configuration error occurred during startup. Please verify the preference field with the prompt : java.lang.NoClassDefError: Files\SQLLIB\myEclipceDB2DriverDlls
    Exception in thread “main”

    Please let me what to do.
    I’ve already looked through the forum and could not find a solution.


    #227007 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    A configuration error occurred during startup. Please verify the preference field with the prompt : java.lang.NoClassDefError: Files\SQLLIB\myEclipceDB2DriverDlls
    Exception in thread “main”

    If you look closely at the actual error, and the value you are printing out, you will see why it’s unhappy: You have intsalled WebLogic under a directory with a space in the name (See how the “C:\Program” part is missing and the connector thinks that ” Files\SQLLIB\…” is actually a CLASS name?)

    Try and move that dir to C:\ and see if that works. I will file this for us to investigate why spaces is breaking it.

    #227016 Reply


    It worked.
    I thought it just truncating the long path name…

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