
disabling jsp validation

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  • #232444 Reply


    How can I disable jsp validation on a project-wide basis?



    #232480 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Project Properties > MyEclipse-Validation > Uncheck “JSP Validation”

    #233012 Reply


    May I suggest that jsp validation be disabled by default? It brings the system to a crawl everytime a validation occurs, and the problem is that everytime a jsp file is saved, the file is validated… this is very annoying. I was even thinking about downgrading to eclipse 3.0 and a previous version of MyEclipse because I thought it was a bug until I read this post.

    #233014 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    bingo validation shouldn’t be doing this, assuming it is acting correctly you shouldn’t even be noticing it.

    1) What is your MyEclipse Build and Version? (Window > Prefs > MyEclipse)
    2) What is your Eclipse Build and Version? (Help > About)
    3) What commandl ine are you using to run MYEclipse?
    4) What the processor and memory specs of your machine?
    5) What OS and JDK version are you using to run Eclipse?

    #233042 Reply


    1) What is your MyEclipse Build and Version? (Window > Prefs > MyEclipse)
    2) What is your Eclipse Build and Version? (Help > About)
    3) What commandl ine are you using to run MYEclipse?
    4) What the processor and memory specs of your machine?
    5) What OS and JDK version are you using to run Eclipse?

    1) Version: 4M2, Build id: 20050627-4.0-Milestone-2
    2) Version: 3.1.0, Build id: I20050627-1435
    3) I don’t use any option or parameter to run MyEclipse.
    4) P4 2.8 GHz with 768Mb of memory
    5) Mandrake 10.0 (kernel 2.6.3) with Sun’s JDK 1.5.0

    #233043 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    3) This is the problem, if you haven’t already you will likely start running into OutOfMemoryExceptions right and left. Keep in mind that Eclispe 3.0 and 3.1 use considerably more memory than 2.0 did, on top of that MyEclipse consists of roughly 170 plugins. Trying to run all this inside of the default heap space (64mb) is just not feasible. We highly suggest you adjust your shortcut to look something like this:

    eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xms128m -Xmx256m
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