
disappearing components

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  • #289920 Reply


    I have a fairly simple Matisse JFrame with a JLayeredPane on it. On the JLayeredPane are three components: a JComboBox and two JButtons. Normally, when the program starts, the components are visible.

    However, sometimes when the program runs, the three components cannot be seen. When this happens, I can make them appear again by editing the form, moving one of the components and returning it to its original place, and then rerunning the program. From then on, the components are again visible … until I do something (but I can’t tell you what) during my development that causes them to disappear. I then again move one of them, and all appears well until the next time.

    Setting the components’ Layer property from DEFAULT_LAYER to PALETTE_LAYER and recompiling makes no difference; moving a component does.

    Huh? I’m mystified. Has anyone else experienced this? Of course, it’s hard to reproduce the condition: I’ve tried a reduced version of my form, but the components haven’t disappeared! And indeed, at this moment, they are present on my actual form. I can send the reduced version to anyone who’s interested in how the form looks.

    I’m using the all-in-one Build 6.5.1-GA-20080715 with the compiler compliance set to 6.0 — the project runtime JRE is jre1.6.0_07 on a Windows XP (SP3) system.

    Any thoughts appreciated.
    – R

    #289965 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Can you go to MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details and paste the information here for me.

    Can you create a new project and try reproducing this issue. Are you able to recreate the issue?

    #290071 Reply


    @support-nipun wrote:

    Can you go to MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details and paste the information here for me.

    Hi. Here are the installation details you asked for:

    *** Date:
    Saturday, October 18, 2008 7:49:30 PM EDT

    ** System properties:
    OS version=5.1
    Java version=1.5.0_11

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
    Version: 6.5.1 GA
    Build id: 6.5.1-GA-20080715

    *** Eclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench

    Version: 6.5.1 GA
    Build id: 6.5.1-GA-20080715

    Eclipse Platform

    Version: 3.3.3.r33x_r20080129-_19UEl7Ezk_gXF1kouft
    Build id: M20080221-1800

    Eclipse RCP

    Version: 3.3.3.r33x_r20080129-8y8eE9UEUWI6qujeED0xT7bc
    Build id: M20080221-1800

    Eclipse Java Development Tools

    Version: 3.3.2.r33x_r20080129-7o7jE7_EDhYDiyVEnjb1pFd7ZGD7
    Build id: M20080221-1800

    Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment

    Version: 3.3.3.r33x_r20080129-7N7M5DQVIA_6oJsEFkEL
    Build id: M20080221-1800

    Eclipse Project SDK

    Version: 3.3.3.r33x_r20080129-7M7J7LB-u3aphGW6o3_VmiVfGXWO
    Build id: M20080221-1800

    Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework

    Version: 3.3.2.v20080129
    Build id: 20080221-1602

    Eclipse startup command=-os
    C:\Program Files\MyEclipse 6.5\eclipse\eclipse.exe
    C:\Program Files\MyEclipse 6.5\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.0.3.R33x_v20080118\eclipse_1023.dll
    C:\Program Files\MyEclipse 6.5\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.1.R33x_v20080118.jar
    C:\Program Files\MyEclipse 6.5\jre\bin\javaw.exe

    @support-nipun wrote:

    Can you create a new project and try reproducing this issue. Are you able to recreate the issue?

    As I mentioned in my original post, I did create a new project to try to reproduce the problem, but it is elusive and didn’t show up. I can’t even predict when it’ll show up in my complete project. If you like, I can send you a copy of the reduced project anyway.

    – R

    #290072 Reply


    Woo Hoo! I’ve now played with the reduced form enough that it does indeed exhibit the problem: you can see the controls on the form in design mode but not when it runs. How can I get you a copy? And do you want me to include the .metadata directory (some 66MB–about half that when ZIPped) or just the package directory (450KB)?

    I can tell you what I did that I think exposed the problem this time: there was a spurious (and not visible) jLayeredPane1 of type JLayeredPane in Other Components that was never referenced, so I removed it in design mode, and then ran the project. The problem appeared. However, I then reintroduced jLayeredPane1 — the problem remained. I moved one of the components on the non-spurious JLayeredPane, and the problem went away. I then again deleted the newly reintroduced spurious pane, but the problem did not come back. Ah well, I did save the entire directory before I made these changes, and that’s what I can send you.

    – R

    #290675 Reply


    Dear Nipun,
    Any progress dealing with this in the last month-and-a-half?
    – R

    #290700 Reply

    Loyal Water

    From what I found out, this could be an issue related to JRE 1.6. Can you switch to 1.5 and test this again. In the mean time, can you send me a copy of the reduced project anyway so that I can add it to the PR that I have filed for the dev team.

    #290737 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    This sounds like a runtime-Swing issue to me. Depending on how you are initializing the LayeredPane, it’s possible it’s showing a different layer than the one you want.

    I just looked at the project you sent across, and given the layout you have, I’m not clear why you are using a LayeredPane in this case… why not just a JPanel?

    #290768 Reply


    Hi, Nipun.

    From what I found out, this could be an issue related to JRE 1.6. Can you switch to 1.5 and test this again.

    Not feasible, because my project makes critical use of the SwingWorker code that first appeared in 1.6.

    Hi, Riyad.

    Depending on how you are initializing the LayeredPane, it’s possible it’s showing a different layer than the one you want.

    But all the initializing of the LayeredPane is done by the Matisse-generated code. When the buttons fail to show at run time, I simply return to the design mode, drag a button and return it to its former position, and rerun. The buttons reappear. My only additions are specify event actions. It’s a mystery to me what change moving the button around at design time could have caused.

    I’m not clear why you are using a LayeredPane in this case… why not just a JPanel?

    I’ll give it a try.

    Thanks to both of you,
    – R

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