
Do not want Windows registry updated

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  • #211965 Reply

    I would like to use myeclipse v3.0 at work; however, when installed I believe it updates the Windows registry. My company has software that scans for software that are not on their approved list, by searching the registries of our desktop machines. Thus, I cannot use MyEclipse at work.

    Do you have someway around this problem?

    #211970 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    We don’t intentionally update the windows registry, but it is required for a proper Windows installation that shows up in the “Add Remove Software…” pane. It’s basically a byproduct of the Install Anywhere-based installer we use. To get around the issue, please uninstall the software and then use our manual install zip file. The instructions are very simple, there is no registry update, and you can continue to fly “under the radar” at work. 🙂

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