
Does MyEclipse generate weblogic.xml

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  • #295293 Reply


    I am using MyEclipse 7.0 to integrate with WebLogic application server 10.3. After I create a web project or web service project, I noticed that weblogic.xml is not generated though I could run the web service project on weblogic without problems. But without weblogic.xml, how can I add security-role-assignment?

    #295301 Reply


    schiang1 ,

    You need to use XDoclet to do this. You can right click on your web project, go to properties, then go to MyEclipse > XDoclet. Right-click and add one of the standard doclets, configure it to generate the file.
    Please refer to this post http://www.myeclipseide.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=72453

    Hope this helps.

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