
dynamic build and jonas

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  • #222859 Reply


    I am using jona as appserver. I saw in myeclipse preference a dynamic build option.
    How is it working and how should I configure it to make it work with jonas server?
    I followed a tutoriel to create session bean but it does not use this tool. And I can’t generate the propre classes.

    thanks for your help

    #222869 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    There is a lot ot explain in this process, I suggest you read the Working with Web Projects and EJB Development quick starts here:

    You may also want to read Application Server quickstart guide as well.

    #222922 Reply



    I can’t find anything usefull to get out my trouble. I can’t generate the classes properly I think is just à parameter into xdoclet propertie but I can’t find anything.

    any help suggestion would be great

    #229687 Reply


    You need to download the objectweb xdoclet jar file from object / jonas. The one that downloads with xdoclet or MyEclipse will not generate the proper xml from the jonas tags. Here is the link to the jonas xdoclet instruction page. You will also have to GenIC your jar file and then put it back in your ear file if you have one. It will not deploy if you do not GenIC the jar file.


    #231039 Reply


    how do you automate the genic tasks in the auto deploy process of myeclipse. For instance my classe are well created but neither jonas specific xml files are generated neither execution of genic ?

    #231048 Reply

    Oups, sorry for the last post but I have found how to use jonas xdoclet tag and generate specific jonas xml ejb descriptor.
    The problem concerning automation of genic in the deployment process still full, any idea ?

    #231370 Reply


    I think Jonas 4.4.2 has been released and I think it is supposed to GenIC your files automatically at deployment. You should give it a try.

    #231376 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    That’s great news! Can anyone verify that it’s working well?

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