
dynamic value in

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  • #226288 Reply


    i have a <html:select> in my jsp and i want to make the option tags dynamic

    i have a for loop in a scriptlet that gets me the values

    <html:select property=”m”>
    for(int i=1;i<13;i++)
    <html:option value='<%=i%>’><%=i%></html:option>


    when i view the source of this the value is equal to “<%=i%>”
    but the description is the 1,2,3…. what ever i is equal to

    do i have the right syntax in the value part?

    #226304 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev.

    1) Try double quotes although I don’t think this will matter
    2) Make sure the value field takes a real-time expression.

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