
Eclipse 2020-09 + DevStyle + Hi-Res Screen

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  3. Theme Problems
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  • #664884 Reply


    since upgrading Eclipse from 2020-06 to 2020-09 the UI (DevStyle) broke and makes using eclipse not possible.
    see attached videos. the problem is hard to describe in words.

    Linux Debian Buster (latest updates)
    Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (includes Incubating components)
    Version: 2020-09 (4.17.0)
    Build id: 20200910-1200
    !!! 4K display !!!

    i have my regular eclipse installation with lots of plugins. after upgrade the view was broken as described above.

    after that i have downloaded and installed a new eclipse installer 2020-09 and installed a fresh instance.
    after starting, everything was fine.
    then i installed devstyle from marketplace and restarted, still fine.
    now comes the problem. i have a 4k display in my lenovo laptop. in the standard eclipse there is an issue with scaling. the icons within the IDE are so tiny, what makes them unclickable.
    to solve this problem i’m adding following lines to my eclipse.ini:


    after starting eclipse with updated ini file the problem also occurs in the new and clean eclipse installation

    so to summarize:
    1. download & install eclipse for java developers 2020-09
    2. start, install devstyle from marketplace and restart
    3. exit eclipse
    4. modify eclipse.ini, add parameters to scale icons for 4k display:
    5. start eclipse -> broken view

    if something else would help, i would be glad to provide.

    PS: i thought i would uninstall devstyle in my regular eclipse installation, since i would not want to reinstall all the plugins, but i could not identify devstyle plugin on the plugins tab to uninstall it.

    kind regards

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by rome-legacy.
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    #664890 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Hello! I’m sorry you are having issues with DevStyle. Hi-DPI is supported by DevStyle with the -Dswt.autoScale=200 argument and I do use it in my regular development environment all the time (Eclipse 2020-09 with a 4K display as well). The only couple of differences I see between your install and mine are:

    1. I don’t use -Dswt.autoScale.method=nearest. Maybe you can try removing this one
    2. My installation is on Windows 10. Can you try switching your linux OS theme? We have noticed issues in some linux installations with non dark-friendly themes. Adwaita in gnome works fine for example.

    Another thing to try is: Download a packaged version of Eclipse instead of the installer. It gives you a truly vanilla installation (installer based one reuses plugins and artifacts from older installations in your system and it’s known to cause compatibility issues in some cases). Here’s a link to download Eclipse for Java Developers 2020-09 package.

    Aaron Lara

    #664893 Reply


    Hi Aaron,
    thx for the response.
    i’ve tested without autoscale.method=nearest => did not work
    i’m using KDE and have switched theme from Breeze Dark to Breeze and tried different combinations of the parameters in the eclipse.ini file. unfortunately also without success.

    any other ideas?

    #664894 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    out of curiosity, does it look better if you switch to the Eclipse Dark theme? To do this go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance and change the theme to Dark. Is the package/project explorer readable now? This will let us know if this is an issue specific to DevStyle.

    #664895 Reply


    damn! you’re right, i tried dark and classic… both have same issues.
    meh, what a bummer. seems like it’s gonna be a downgrade

    #664961 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Thanks for understanding! And I’m sorry I cannot be of much help in this case. Probably some incompatibility issues with this combination of KDE and this Eclipse version.

    Have a great weekend!

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