That’s a great question because honestly we haven’t had any time to test it internally because we’re in the middle of wrapping up development for MyEclipse 4.0. However, historically, we’ve never been impacted by a *service* release before, since they should only include bug fixes. That said, I’d still encourage someone, perhaps someone on our quality board (say Nabil, for example ;-), to set up a parallel instance with 3.0.2 and 3.8.4 just to ensure that there aren’t any issues.
On the other hand, I’m sure we’ve got a few thousand users that have already taken the update by now and since we haven’t heard anything from them on incompatibilities I’m assuming all is well. However, if someone is out there using 3.8.4 and Eclipse 3.0.2, if you could weigh in here with an “all’s well”, that would probably make everyone feel a bit better. 🙂