
Eclipse not deployed my project anymore [Closed]

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  • #206522 Reply


    This occured when a collegue who knows eclipse better than me fix the debug problem that I have. Debug problem was after a certain period of time it’s crash the application.

    I could crashed the application on an average of 5 time a day.

    After the problem was fixed (new update) I cannot deployed my project anymore I have to rebuild all the project each time I performed a modification in one of my class. This is time consuming that I don’t have.

    Any idea????

    #206541 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m not sure what you are asking here… again please post all your system information for us. Have you tried removing your project’s deployment and then adding it back? Have you tried restarting Eclipse? What do you mean that the entire project is rebuild when you change one class file?

    #206743 Reply


    JDK 1.4.2_04
    Eclipse ver 2.1

    I did remove the project’s deployment and adding it back; not working.
    On the eclipse menu I have to select project and rebuild it to deploy my project on the server.

    How can I fix this problem??


    #206746 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    what is the full version of Eclipse and full version of MyEclipse that you are running? A quick way to give me the information I need to go to Help > About > Configuration Details, and post the results in a message here for me to look at.

    #206887 Reply


    This message has not been recovered.

    #206888 Reply


    This message has not been recovered.

    #206889 Reply


    This message has not been recovered.

    #207066 Reply


    Could be that i (and both my colleques on the project) have a similar problem. we are using eclipse 2.1.2 Build id: 200311030802 with myeclipse 2.7.1 (same problem already occured with previous version) and deploy exploded for Weblogic 8.1
    occationally – sometimes just about everytime i change my sources – i get an out-of-sync-message. then deploying and undeploying wont work no more.
    sometimes it helps to stop the server, remove, add the project and then restart. sometimes not.
    i have not figured out in just what situation the error appears…
    sometimes, and thats really time-consuming, i don’t even get an out-of-sync message, i only notice the erroneous situation after debugging in obviously wrong code for a while.

    #207204 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    There’s a little write up on when hot syncing code will fail here:

    Also, please be sure you’re using JDK 1.4.1 to run WebLogic as this has the best support for hotsync.

    sometimes, and thats really time-consuming, i don’t even get an out-of-sync message, i only notice the erroneous situation after debugging in obviously wrong code for a while.

    Please check the setting in Window > Preferences > Java > Debug that is called something like ‘Show error when hot code replace fails’.

    #207225 Reply


    thanks, scott,
    i made sure that:
    – the preferences setting already was on
    – i am using jdk 1.4.1_03
    – i notice the problem when editing in jsp, or small changes inside methods as well as some refactoring and just about anything in between…

    but i found a similar topic in another forum and the answer there got me to check on my weblogic settings:
    i increased “servlet reload check” time and “jsp page check” time from 1 to 2 seconds both.
    since then (2 days working) i haven’t had the problem occur anymore, which COULD indicate its solved… 😉
    i let you know in a while, wheather it occurs again or not.

    #207226 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thank you for following up with us.

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