
Eclipse question

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  • #264383 Reply


    I started working on a project in lab, didnt finish it so i figured i would just connect to it from my apartment. I created a new java project and then used the team share project to get them into my workspace. The project on the computer in the lab was a folder, and in the folder a bunch of .java files and then a folder called classes which hold the .class files that provided implementation for a class not in the main folder. without the classes eclipse is giving me a “(classname) cannot be resolved to a type”. any help would be appreciated. thanks.

    #264456 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

    By default, Eclipse builds all source code into the output directory. If you swtich to the navigator view, you should be able to go into the output folder (/classes) and see the classes there. You might just have your build paht setup wrong.

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