
Eclipse terminates itself and leaves JVM error message

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  • #233592 Reply


    Hi, I am new to MyEclipse and I have a recurring problem
    that I just can’t seem to solve. When I start Eclipse and
    attempt to open my project workspace, eclipse exits when the
    workspace is done building (as soon as I open the workspace
    or just a few seconds after). The message that it gives me
    is as follows:

    JVM terminated. Exit code = -1
    -Dosgi.splashLocation=C:\Program Files\MyEclipse\MyEclipseSplash.bmp
    -cp C:\eclipse\startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main
    -os win32
    -ws win32
    -arch x86
    -showsplash C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe -showsplash 600
    -exitdata C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe -exitdata 408_4c
    -vm C:\jdk1.5.0_02\bin\javaw.exe
    -Dosgi.splashLocation = C:\Program Files\MyEclipse\MyEclipseSplash.bmp
    -cp C:\eclipse\startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main

    Also, the log file reads as follows:

    !ENTRY org.eclipse.core.filebuffers 4 0 Jul 25, 2005 10:10:05.134
    !MESSAGE The content type with id “com.objfac.xmlbuddy.xmlfile” specified in the extension point does not exist.
    !SESSION Jul 25, 2005 10:11:22.37 ———————————————-
    java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=en_US

    I’ve tried all
    types of things to correct this problem including installing
    the latest version of MyEclipse and installing previous
    versions of java (j2sdk1.4.2_03 and j2sdk1.4.2_05).
    Currently though, I have decided to use jdk1.5.0_02. The
    JVM settings under preferences seem to be fine. I’ve also
    tried changing my workspace to a different location. That
    seemed to fix the problem for a while but after a week or so
    eclipse is back to terminating itself again and leaving the
    same message that I have attached to this email. I think
    the problem to some degree has to do with my workspace
    because I have another workspace at the present time that
    does not terminate when I attempt to open it (though it has
    terminated in the past as well). Could you please explain
    this problem to me and tell me how to fix it? My operating
    system is Windows XP. If you need any more information let
    me know. Thanks.


    #233598 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    When you installed the previous versions of Java, did you actually have Eclipse run with them by specifying:
    eclipse.exe -vm <path-to-jdk>\bin\javaw.exe? It could easily be a problem with the early 1.5 build you’re using. Also, you should try setting your default JRE in Eclipse to one of hte previous ones at Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs.

    #233642 Reply


    When I installed the previous versions of Java, the message was the same except it specified j2sdk1.4.2_05 or j2sdk1.4.2_03. In fact, I don’t think eclipse could have run without it specifying one of these previous versions of java for its virtual machine (by default) because Java 1.5 was uninstalled on my machine. I had actually tried to run Eclipse by eclipse.exe -vm <path-to-jdk>\bin\javaw.exe. Also, I went to my installed JREs in Eclipse to check my default JRE and it was j2sdk1.4.2_03 actually. So my previous theories were the same as yours in that Java 1.5 had something to do with my woes. After changing the target path though and specifying the version of java to run to a previous version, it is now running successfully without shutting down again. Because of curiosity though, I tried to run eclipse again using Java 1.5 and it doesn’t shut down with that one now either. This is a very weird problem and it must be pretty confusing just hearing about it. It seems as though whenever a version of java is used as eclipse’s virtual machine too long, eclipse turns against it or vice versa. After a set period of time, this problem will probably rear its ugly head again. You have an other things that I might try in case this does in fact happen again?


    #233689 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    After changing the target path though and specifying the version of java to run to a previous version, it is now running successfully without shutting down again.

    So, right now the enviornment is stable? Please keep an eye on it and let us know if the problem resurfaces and what was going on when it did.

    You have an other things that I might try in case this does in fact happen again?

    Not really. Your issues are definately “unique” to say the least. 🙂

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