
eclipse UML vs MyEclipse

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  • #295875 Reply


    I am working on a standard license of MyEclipse. Unfortunately UML is only supported in the pro-license. So I would like to be able to install the Eclipse UML plugin. This isn’t possible because of a requirements problem.

    I cannot help but feel this is because MyEclipse sells UML with their pro-license.This comes down to a forced vendor lock in. It also makes me wonder if this won’t happen in the future with other plugins I may need or even am using currently. I certainly hope I wrondg about this.

    In any case I consider this a bug, either by accident or design. If there is a workaround or if I am doing something wrong then I would like to hear it.

    I am running MyEclipse 7 on Debian Lenny (64).

    “Cannot complete the request. See the details.
    Cannot find a solution satisfying the following requirements org.eclipse.ui.ide [3.4.2.M20090127-1700].”

    #295891 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Are you setting up a version of the plugin that is compatible with the base eclipse version of the MyEclipse that you are working with?

    #295975 Reply


    I used the update site. I started with just the Ganymede update site. I’ve since added EMF, MDT, dltk…..Presumably these deliver the latest compatible version. I can imagine individual sites not being up to date with Ganymede but not the Gaymede site itself.

    #296141 Reply

    Loyal Water

    This is not forced vendor lockin, it’s just really strict plugin requirements that run into eachother head-on (for example, MyEclipse requires EMF a.b.c and the UML tools your trying to install required e.f.g version — Eclipse cannot resolve both requirements). The workaround is to not use Ganymede update site, because that now contains the latest Eclipse 3.4.2 release train updates and MyEclipse 7 is shipping on Eclipse 3.4.1 — you’ll need to manually download the UML tools you wants and put them in the /dropins folder. That should do the trick.

    #296236 Reply


    @support-nipun wrote:

    The workaround is to not use Ganymede update site, because that now contains the latest Eclipse 3.4.2 release train updates and MyEclipse 7 is shipping on Eclipse 3.4.1

    Just wondering, would it be possible for you to release a MyEclipse 7 that is fully compatible with Eclipse 3.4.2?

    At our place we never install the all-in-one, but always go for the separate Eclipse Classic and the archived update site for MyEclipse. The main reason being that custom installers never really seem to work on Linux (I’m sure they work perfectly well on a single platform like Windows, just not on Linux).

    One would assume though that the latest MyEclipse 7 would be compatible with the latest Eclipse 3.4, especially since the download page mentions “for Eclipse 3.4.x.”. I do understand the inherent difficulties with keeping up to date with the latest Eclipse releases, but still… it seems to be a pretty fundamental thing to coordinate with the main Eclipse releases.

    #296385 Reply

    Loyal Water

    MyEclipse 7.5, which is due in May-June, will be fully compatible with Eclipse 3.4.2.

    #296478 Reply


    Thanks for the update nipun 🙂

    #296502 Reply


    p.s. it just hit me, but Eclipse 3.5 is also slated for release in June. Will MyEclipse 7.5 be compatible with Eclipse 3.5 too?

    #296534 Reply

    Loyal Water

    7.5 will not be compatible with 3.5 but if everything goes smoothly with the 3.5 release, we will make a immediate release to support 3.5 as well. I will keep you updated.

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