
ECLIPSE_HOME is undefined after the update

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  • #629107 Reply


    After the update, I can`t open typescript files in my Eclipse with the Codemix tool.
    Also, I can`t open settings for the CodeMix.

    The stack trace is the following:

    Bla-bla-bla see the attached file.
    Caused by: com.genuitec.eclipse.code.common.GenuitecCoreRTException: ECLIPSE_HOME is undefined.
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.D.A(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.D.N(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.D.J(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.D.J(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.D.F(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.C.F(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.C.getLicenseExpirationDate(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.C.getExpirationDate(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.C.A(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.C.isValid(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.C.isValid(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.LicenseUtil.getLicenseValidator(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.LicenseUtil.A(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.LicenseUtil.D(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.LicenseUtil.hasProfessionalLicense(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.ViperCore.startup(Unknown Source)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.code.ViperCore.start(Unknown Source)
    	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.BundleContextImpl$3.run(BundleContextImpl.java:842)
    	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.BundleContextImpl$3.run(BundleContextImpl.java:1)
    	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.BundleContextImpl.startActivator(BundleContextImpl.java:834)
    	... 92 more
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    #629111 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Sorry to hear you’re running into this. Can you tell me whether you updated Eclipse or CodeMix? Odd for the ECLIPSE_HOME to get unset.

    If CodeMix, it’s possible that the update didn’t download completely and, due to P2 issues, the partially downloaded files are not being re downloaded. Could you follow the steps in this post and see if that resolves your problems? https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/codemix-is-not-appearing-in-my-eclipse-anymore/#post-627668

    If it does not, please send us your entire error log (has other debugging info that is important).


    #629113 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Sorry, I missed the log file that you already attached – and I see that you’re running an early 4.14 build. CodeMix unfortunately is not compatible with this version of Eclipse, and will not work with this version – you’ll have to go back to an earlier Eclipse build.

    We’ll update this thread when we’re compatible with 4.14, sorry about that!

    #629116 Reply


    I updated using the Eclipse update tool.
    I cant tell exactly what was updated. Its definitely not the Eclipse core.
    I use your recommendations the screenshot is attached. After that, I removed codemix and install it again.
    It does not help.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by whitediver.
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    #629121 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    The log file has eclipse.buildId=4.14.0.I20191009-1800 – this indicates that you are running Eclipse 4.14 (a very early integration build of this version), that is not supported by CodeMix, and so it will just not work. Only you can say what update processes were followed and what was updated, but it doesn’t really matter at this point as you’re now on an incompatible Eclipse version and the tool I suggested earlier won’t help.

    Rather than trying to recover this install, the fastest way to fix this would be to install a fresh copy of Eclipse 2019-09 (4.13) and install CodeMix into that. Do let us know if you need further assistance.

    #629123 Reply


    That is strange. I am sure I used CodeMix with the newest version of Eclipse.
    Ok. Will wait for the full support.

    #629124 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Sounds good.

    Just to clarify, 4.14 is currently at the milestone stage – you’re using Milestone 1 (4.14M1). Eclipse installers would normally not provide this version, unless you specifically asked for a milestone build. Eclipse 4.13 would still be considered to be the latest stable build. You may well be aware of this already – just making sure in case you didn’t really mean to be using 4.14. Have heard that this version is faster, so we’ll be working towards adding support in the near future and will keep you updated.

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