
Edit table lacks insert and delete row features

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  • #288476 Reply

    Luca Simoncini

    when we recently deployed MyEclipse to all our 20 developers we feced the fact that the table editor does not feature an “insert new row” nor a “delete row” functionality. These are mandatory for editing tables with a lot of columns.
    Eclipse DTP editor has such features but DTP cannot be installed on MyEclipse.

    Are there plans to add those features to the table editor in a short term?

    Thanks and best regards

    #288500 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    This has been an oft-requested feature of the table editor, I will try and get it’s priority bumped up for a release sooner than later.

    #288525 Reply

    Luca Simoncini


    #288532 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Luca, got an update from management, they are evaluating this for a 7.x inclusion (shooting for 7.0, but if that slips, right after in 7.5)

    #297813 Reply

    Luca Simoncini

    any news on this subject? Just downloaded 7.1.1 and realized that Edit table still behaves like 1 year ago.
    I think if MyEclipse is for developers and not normal users, it should not lack main features that developers use everyday. In this case, who designs ptograms and data expects to be able to define and alter the structure of a table as well as adding and removing rows from tables.

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