
Editing Checked In JSP File Doesn’t Prompt For Check Out

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  • #199360 Reply

    Terry Roe

    I recently upgraded to the latest version of MyEclipse (2.6.2) for Windows. I used to be able to start editing a .jsp file and get prompted whether I want to check out the file or not. (I’m using the VSS plugin.) I no longer get this prompt for .jsp files. I cannot start editing the file until I check it out and reopen the file.

    I am able to start editing other files that are not checked out and get prompted for the check out. Files such as .css, .xml, etc. Did this get broke in the latest release? Have I not configured something correctly? I would really like the behavior for .jsp files to be the same as the others.



    #199364 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Did this get broke in the latest release? Have I not configured something correctly? I would really like the behavior for .jsp files to be the same as the others.

    The prompting behavior is something that is unique to the VSS plugin, not Eclipse itself. We don’t do anything to enable or disable this behavior so I don’t know what could have changed. Has anything else change wrt your enviornment or VSS repository? Can you try a test case with a new project and VSS and see if the behavior returns to its old habits? This will at least let us know if the issue is project-specific.

    MyEclipse Support

    #199367 Reply

    Terry Roe


    I recently had to rebuild my development system. I reinstalled Eclipse, MyEclipse, and all the other plugins. I kept my old projects and am using them now. I haven’t tried creating a project from scratch, but will do so and report back. If anyone else has seen this issue and has a fix for existing projects, I’d appreciate it.


    #199399 Reply

    Terry Roe


    I created a new project and duplicated the behavior. The same thing happens. There is no prompt for checkout and the file remains read only until a manual checkout is performed.

    There are two possible items that changed. One, I upgraded to the latest J2SDK when I reinstalled everything. I also upgraded to the latest VSS plugin.

    Again, I’ve only seen this behavior consistently on JSP files. Others work fine, though I think I saw it once or twice on a CSS file.

    Any ideas?



    #199400 Reply

    Terry Roe


    I created a new project and duplicated the behavior. The same thing happens. There is no prompt for checkout and the file remains read only until a manual checkout is performed.

    There are two possible items that changed. One, I upgraded to the latest J2SDK when I reinstalled everything. I also upgraded to the latest VSS plugin.

    Again, I’ve only seen this behavior consistently on JSP files. Others work fine, though I think I saw it once or twice on a CSS file.

    Any ideas?



    #199401 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    It might be that Eclipse doesn’t think your files are ASCII. Have a look under the team preferences at the file types and see if it’s treating .jsp as a binary. If that’s the case, change it to ASCII and then convert the .jsp files in your new test project to ASCII using Team > Change ASCII/binary property. Once that’s done, see if the behavior is different.

    You might also want to see if this is a known issue with the latest VSS plugin.

    MyEclipse Support

    #199412 Reply

    Terry Roe


    I had previously noticed that JSP was not a listed in the file types so I had added it before I created my test project. I also tried switching back and forth with no effect. I believe the Team > Chang ASCII/binary option is only for CVS. At least, that’s what I gleaned from the help system. Is there some other way I can make the system believe that JSPs are ASCII files? Actually, I just thought of another test to try and did so. I opened a JSP file with the plain text editor in Eclipse. When I tried to edit the file, I got the prompt to check out the file. So, it appears this may be a problem of the MyEclipse JSP editor?

    I had already looked under the VSS project on SourceForge for an answer and there weren’t any. I will probably post a query there, as well.

    Thanks for your efforts.


    #199413 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    To determine the issue, we really need to know what determines whether or not the VSS plugin queries about checkout. For example, it may specifically watch only certain built-in editors, or it could be resource modification related. If we knew that, we might be able to see where the issue can be addressed.

    MyEclipse Support

    #199414 Reply

    Terry Roe


    Is this something you want me to try to track down, or is it something your team is going to look at?


    #199415 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    In all honesty, we really don’t have the capacity to track it down given our enhancement and release schedule. Also, we don’t own any licenses for VSS as we’re a pure CVS shop which makes it prohibitive for us to really dig into it without specific guidance. If you could look into it, at least as far as determining what the interaction model looks like, we could then see where it is breaking.

    To the forum: Do any other VSS users experience this problem?

    MyEclipse Support

    #199416 Reply

    Terry Roe


    OK, I’ve posted a query in the VSS plugin forum. We’ll see what happens.


    #199424 Reply

    Jon Nermut

    I have exactly the same problem with the VSS plugin and JSP files. The plugin does not seem to regonise that they are under source control and prompt to check them out as it does any other files. It seems to work fine for css or xml files though, which are both using the MyEclipse editors.

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