- This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 8 months ago by
Whenever I first try to edit my web project’s web.xml file, my session hangs for a period of time. Sometimes it never finishes and I have to close down MyEclipse. I noticed that while this hang occurs, I see a message in the lower right corner: Spring Tooling
I don’t use Spring. How do I disable this?
*** Date:
Wednesday, April 23, 2014 9:54:08 AM CDT*** System properties:
OS version=6.1.0
OS arch=amd64
Profile arch=x86_64
Window system=win32
Java version=1.7.0_45
VM Args=-Xmx768m
C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\MYECLI~2\plugins/OR8508~1.JAR*** Subscription information
Product Id: E3MP (MyEclipse Professional Subscription)
License version: 3.0
Full Maintenance Included
Subscription expiration date (YYYYMMDD): 20140613
Number of users: 2*** Eclipse details:
MyEclipse Enterprise WorkbenchVersion: 2014
Build id: 12.0.0-20131202Blueprint: N/A
com.genuitec.myeclipse.database – 12.0.0.me201311281640
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org.eclipse.m2e.feature – 1.4.0.me201311281640
org.eclipse.sapphire.platform –
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org.sonatype.m2e.mavenarchiver.feature – startup command=-os
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C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\MyEclipse Professional 2014\binary/com.sun.java.jdk7.win32.x86_64_1.7.0.u45/bin/javaw.exe
Sorry that you are seeing this issue.
Can you please answer some more queries to help us investigate further :
1) Can you please try increasing the -Xmx value in the myeclipse.ini file to a higher value and see if it fixes the issue? . The myeclipse.ini file can be found in the same folder as your MyEclipse executable.-vmargs
-XX:MaxPermSize=384m-Xmx can be increased higher than 768 as per the memory requirement for your workspace.
2) Is the issue replicated for all the projects in a workspace ? Is the project imported or is it created in MyEclipse 2014 ? Can you please create a new web project in the workspace that exhibits the issue, try editing the web.xml file and check if you can replicate the issue ?
3) If the issue is seen in all the projects in a workspace then can you please switch to a new workspace create a webproject in the new workspace, try editing the web.xml file and check if you can replicate the issue ?
4) Can you please clarify whether the issue is seen for all the .xml files in the workspace or just the web.xml file ?
5) Is the issue seen while editing the web.xml file or while opening the web.xml file ? Please attach the screenshot of the progress view that shows ‘Spring tooling’.
6) Is the web.xml file too large ? If possible please attach the web.xml file that exhibits the issue ?
7) Attach the .log file located at <Workspace dir>/.metadata/.log file if there are any relevant errors in it.I tried doubling the Xmx value and restarted MyEclipse. No change,
Only the web project has the issue (only 1 web project). The problem only occurs with the web project’s web.xml. The first time web.xml is opened it takes ~1 minute to open. I can then close the file and reopen it and it opens immediately. No other xml file has any delay in opening. The xml file is not large. It is the same size as the other xml files that open without issues. This delay also occurred on my previous (older) workspaces using MyEclipse 10.
The problem occurs when you try to open the file.
No messages show in the logs from opening the file.
Sorry that you are seeing this issue.
The web.xml editor is using Sapphire and a lot of java classes needs to be loaded which is causing the delay while opening the file for the first time. We have a filed a bug report for the dev team to investigate speeding it up.
web.xml file is opened by default in ‘MyEclipse web application deployment descriptor editor’ and if you doesn’t need the facilities provided by this editor, you can use the MyEclipse XML editor by right clicking on the web.xml file and select Open With > MyEclipse XML editor.
To open the *.xml file in MyEclipse XML editor by default, open Window > Preferences > General > Editors > File associations > Select *.xml under File types > Select ‘MyEclipse XML editor’ under the Associated editors section and click Default > Click Ok.
Hope this helps.
Thanks. I do not need a special editor for xml files and will change the default.
Do let us know if you find any issues or have any questions on MyEclipse.
This problem has been fixed in our 2015 CI 1 release. For details of this release, please see this announcement.