Hi guys. Just upgraded to the new 3.0 stuff. VERY cool. Real quick, I have a editor template that I used in the previous Eclipse version that I wanted to use in the new one. I have it named cvs and the template is simply defined as:
/** CVS Variables */
public static final String CVS_HEADER = “$$Header: $$”;
public static final String CVS_REVISION = “$$Revision: $$”;
In the new version, it outputs the code as:
/** CVS Variables */
public static final String CVS_HEADER = “$$Header: $$”;public static final String CVS_REVISION = “$$Revision: $$”;
(The entire thing on one line)
For the life of me, I cannot find where to indicate a new line after the first semi colon. Probably me being a moron 🙂
Thanks so much!