
Editor template problem

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  • #209028 Reply

    Hi guys. Just upgraded to the new 3.0 stuff. VERY cool. Real quick, I have a editor template that I used in the previous Eclipse version that I wanted to use in the new one. I have it named cvs and the template is simply defined as:

    /** CVS Variables */
    public static final String CVS_HEADER = “$$Header: $$”;
    public static final String CVS_REVISION = “$$Revision: $$”;

    In the new version, it outputs the code as:

    /** CVS Variables */
    public static final String CVS_HEADER = “$$Header: $$”;public static final String CVS_REVISION = “$$Revision: $$”;

    (The entire thing on one line)

    For the life of me, I cannot find where to indicate a new line after the first semi colon. Probably me being a moron 🙂

    Thanks so much!


    #209226 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Good question, but I don’t know the answer. Perhaps someone else that’s a big template user does. If no one chimes in here, this might be a good question for the Eclipse newsgroups since it’s really centered around base Eclipse functionality, not anything added by MyEclipse. If you do find out, could you post the solution back here so we’ll have it in our searchable database? Sorry I can’t be of more help.

    #209229 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are these code generation templates or editor templates? Is it possible you imported the template from a Linux machine on a Windows machine and the newline discrepency is screwing it up? What happens if you go in and edit the template, removing the newline then hitting enter and adding it back again?

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