
ehcache-1.1.jar missing from hibernate 3.0 core libs in 4.1?

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  • #245479 Reply

    Steve Prior

    Using MyEclipse 4.1GA I couldn’t get my basic Hibernate capable WebApp to work until I added ehcache-1.1.jar to the build path which is part of the extended libs, but not the core libs. Should this be added to the default?

    #245519 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I believe this is only needed when the level 2 cache is enabled. Did you enable that in your configuration file?

    #245529 Reply

    Steve Prior

    No, the configuration file is very simple. I didn’t need this jar in a standalone program, but when I used Hibernate code in a trivial webapp (using Tomcat 5.5) it did not run until I added this jar file. I now know how to change the default library settings to add this file into the template for the basic config, but I still believe it should be there by default – it is much easier for an advanced user who is starting to think about caching to know to remove the extra jar than it is for the starting hibernate/webapp user to realize that he/she has to change the default settings right off the bat or the first hello world type webapp isn’t going to work. Another possible option is to add a new grouping – you have “basic” (which seems to be standalone specific) and “advanced”, maybe you need a “basic webapp”.

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