
EJB Code generation with XDoclet

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  • #223300 Reply



    I am using MyEclipse XDoclet features to generate interfaces/DDs for EJBs. I want to know what attribute ME uses to set the value for COMP_NAME field in home interace. I think currently it is generating wrong name. I have an entity Bean with local interfaces. My COMP_NAME field has value “Local” appended to EJB Name which is not correct.


    #223302 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I have asked our XDoclet guy to have a look at this.

    #224036 Reply


    Sorry for getting to this so late. The COMP_NAME field is being generated by the XDoclet template in the EJB XDoclet module. Thus the modification of this attribute would be handled by some xdoclet configuration. Currently there is no way to customize this COMP_NAME attribute. However, there is an open request over at XDoclet to do just this.


    So, once the xdodlet guys add this, we will integrate their new version and MyEclipse will get this new feature as well.

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