
EJB demo and Glassfish question

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  • #284374 Reply


    Hello everyone,
    I hope you can help me out.. I have installed Glassfish (on Windows XP) and wanted to deploy a test EJB application using myEclipse… however,
    when I create the deployment, pointing it to my Glassfish on my local machine, I get the message:
    The selected server is enabled, but is not configured properly.
    Deployment to it will not be permitted until the problem is corrected.
    Please navigate to the server preference pages and verify the filed with the prompt: Glassfish JDK name:

    any help/advice please?

    #284380 Reply

    Loyal Water

    You need to go to Windows > Pref > MyEclipse > Server > Glassfish > JDK and point it to a JDK. Let me know if the problem persissts.

    #284384 Reply


    That sorted the problem thanks very much Nipun

    #284393 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Your Welcome.

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