
EJB/JBOSS class cast exception

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  • #225533 Reply


    I was successful to setup and run scrap page test scripts from eclipse workbench to connect to jboss/jndi thru usermodulelogin security. i am providing required jaas config and policy files, for which the jsp code that invokes the ejb, sets it up thru application.getRealPath() method, which at runtime does gives the correct filename for secured login. when my code hits to get the remote home, it errors out : top stack:

    16:27:48,090 INFO [STDOUT] java.lang.ClassCastException
    16:27:48,105 INFO [STDOUT] at org.jboss.util.property.PropertyMap.remove(PropertyMap.java:198)
    16:27:48,105 INFO [STDOUT] at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.getEnv(NamingContext.java:1299)
    16:27:48,105 INFO [STDOUT] at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:724)


    it fails in the lookup or list call itself. the requirement is to login into jboss thru jaas using jsp. my web.xml and ejb-jar.xml has the required permissions and role setup, verifed from the test scripts run from eclipse workbench.

    what could be the issue?

    #225538 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev, this is a JBoss question, not an ME question (afaict)

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