I am using ME 3.7RC2 amd trying to follow basic EJB naming conventions:
see https://jjguidelines.dev.java.net/ch01s03.html#d0e911
Simply put, I want to name the Bean with an EJB or Bean suffix and have all generated interfaces drop the suffix before appending. for example:
ProductBean as EJB name
Product as remote interface name
ProductHome as home interface name
The EJB creation wizard writes the @ejb.bean name=”ProductBean” attribute automatically. This prevents <ejbdoclet>’s ejbClassNameSuffix attribute from taking effect. If the ejb.bean name attribute is removed, this problem will be fixed as XDoclet will pick up the bean name from the class itself and by default will remove Bean or EJB suffixes when generating interfaces.
It would also be nice if you provided simple build.xml and build.properties files. Build.xml should have a “clean” target as well as an “ejbdoclet” target that does <tstamp /> before calling
<ant antfile=”xdoclet-build.xml” /> (or you could put the tstamp in the generated xdoclet-build.xml file). We could then set the version in build.properties and that coupled with the time stamp would produce proper documented comments in the generated interface files.