
ejb newbie question:local interface must match bean?

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  • #261032 Reply


    OK, so I get this warning when trying to deploy in jboss:

    Warning: The methods defined in the local interface must have a matching method in the bean’s class with the same return type.

    I get this for two methods out of like a dozen or more that are in the bean and interface. The signatures look the same to me in the interface and the bean implementation, and I’ve done a cut-and-paste to be sure. I must be missing something simple here. Any ideas?


    #261082 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This has happened to me once before and it ended up being some really silly mistake. In my interface I was returning a List (java.awt.List, woops!) and in my impl I was returning a List (java.util.List)… see if it’s something really silly like that.

    #261087 Reply


    Thanks, yes, it was just like that, a subtle differnece in the signature I just missed it.

    #261091 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Nice, glad you got it.

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