
EJB Relation Help

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  • #227782 Reply


    EJB Test1
    * @ejb.bean name=”Test1″
    * display-name=”Test1″
    * description=”Test1″
    * jndi-name=”ejb/Test1″
    * schema=”Test1″
    * type=”CMP”
    * cmp-version=”2.x”
    * view-type=”local”
    * primkey-field=”id”
    * @ejb.value-object name=”Test1″ match=”*”
    * @ejb.persistence table-name=”test1″
    * @jboss.persistence table-name=”test1″
    * @ejb.transaction
    * type=”required”
    * @ejb.util
    * generate=”physical”
    public abstract class Test1 implements EntityBean {

    /** The entity context */
    private EntityContext context;

    * @ejb.interface-method view-type = “both”
    * @ejb.persistence column-name = “fid”
    * jdbc-type=”CHAR”
    * sql-type=”char(32)”
    * @ejp.pk-field
    * @return
    public abstract String getId();

    * @ejb.interface-method view-type = “both”
    * @param id
    public abstract void setId(String id);

    * @ejb.interface-method view-type = “both”
    * @return
    public abstract Test2Local getTest2();

    * @ejb.interface-method view-type = “both”
    * @param test2
    public abstract void setTest2(Test2Local test2);

    EJB test2
    * @ejb.bean name=”Test2″
    * display-name=”Test2″
    * description=”Test2″
    * jndi-name=”ejb/Test2″
    * schema=”Test2″
    * type=”CMP”
    * cmp-version=”2.x”
    * view-type=”local”
    * primkey-field=”id”
    * @ejb.value-object name=”Test2″ match=”*”
    * @ejb.persistence table-name=”test2″
    * @jboss.persistence table-name=”test2″
    * @ejb.transaction
    * type=”required”
    * @ejb.util
    * generate=”physical”
    public abstract class Test2 implements EntityBean {

    /** The entity context */
    private EntityContext context;

    * @ejb.interface-method view-type = “both”
    * @ejb.persistence column-name = “fid”
    * jdbc-type=”CHAR”
    * sql-type=”char(32)”
    * @ejp.pk-field
    * @return
    public abstract String getId();

    * @ejb.interface-method view-type = “both”
    * @param id
    public abstract void setId(String id);

    How do i reference within test1 to test2
    In the test1 database table the reference should create foreign key

    How must i declare the xdoclet so that it will generate the correct database table with a foreign key from test1 to test2 the refence in test1 can have a value null

    The table where generated, i can create new records, so all is working.
    I’m only struggeling with this kind off relation


    Do you have a good tutorial about relation with xdoclet and ejb ?

    #227792 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

    #227880 Reply


    This item is moved, can you explain the reason ?

    I thought i asked an question how to make an 1:0 relation for an ejb


    #227890 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The forum you originally posted this to is not a general help EJB forum, these forums are for supporting the MyEclipse product. The question you asked is a generic EJB question, it has nothing to do with the IDE You are using, that is why it was moved.

    Also when things are moved here for Off Topic, we try and encourage our users to help each other, so I was hoping someone would reply with some suggestions for you.

    #227903 Reply


    Thank you for your answer.

    Does somone has a sample with this realtion setup
    by XDoclet

    A sample will do, i can figure it out from the sample.


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