
EJB3 Annotations

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  • #227357 Reply

    Frank Weber

    I am trying to import examples of the JBoss-EJB-Preview4.

    Is it possible to work with EJB3 Annotations in MyEclipse 3.8.4?

    I get a ‘syntax error for token’ … i.e. for @Stateless

    public class CalculatorBean implements CalculatorRemote, CalculatorLocal {

    Please could someone give me a hint what I need to do?

    Thanks in advance,


    #227382 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If these annotations are in the Java Code then you need to be using Eclipse 3.1M4 and MyEclipse 3.8.4 BETA. You cannot do this with Eclipse 3.0.x because it doesn’t Support JDK 1.5 annotations. Also don’t use any other M-build because MyEclipse 3.8.4 BETA is not supported on any other M-build right now.

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