
ejbpassivate exception…….which is due to?

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  • #206983 Reply

    I have Jrun and an stateful EJB an sometimes I get the ejpassivate exception.

    How can I Find out what is due to?
    Thanks in advance.

    #206984 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Could it be trying to passivate a database connection? 😉

    #206985 Reply

    How could I mend this or or soem clue about this..the configuration of Jrun..the xml of the ejb…

    #206988 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    If the exception doesn’t provide any detail as to the root cause, it’s going to be very difficult. The information provided in these cases is server-specific. Personally, I’m not that familiar with JRun. Anyone else?

    #206993 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Please download the EJB 2.0 spec and read at least section 7.4.1 that has the requirements for passivation. I would imagine that you’re violating them in your EJB, which in turn causes the exception.

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