
Enterprise Application Project (EAR)

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  • #222080 Reply


    Hi there! I’m used to create a single project in eclipse and there put all my packages for ejb, web, persistence(aka hibernate). I’m creating an EAR proj. and I found it create 3 projects, a web, an ejb, and an ear. How to deploy it? I mean, how do I generate war + jar and transform it in ear. I’ve been trying to use ant, but since the projects are stored in differents folder I wan’t very happy with this approach.

    Thanks all

    #222086 Reply


    You might want to consult the help about the Application Project. Basically from what I gather all modules that are attached to the ear project will produce their own jar and will be added to the .ear at deploy time. You deploy from the EAR project and all related projects (modules) will be taken care of automatically. Seems like a nice system to me. I’m quite pleased.

    #222089 Reply


    As Kevin suggested, the tutorial that will be helpful is the Enterprise Application Projects quickstart from the online documentation. It is also included in the MyEclipse Help in the workbench.

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