
Entity bean class not abstract [Closed]

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  • #206737 Reply

    An entity bean is created with this comment:
    * XDoclet-based CMP entity bean. This class must be declared
    * <code>public abstract</code> because the concrete class will
    * be implemented by the CMP provider’s tooling.<br>

    But the class is defined as:
    public class MovieBean implements EntityBean {

    It should however be:
    public abstract class MovieBean implements EntityBean {

    Is use MyEclipse 030702 on SuSE Linux 8.2

    #206740 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Thanks for bringing that to our attention. We’ll fix the template in a subsequent release. Of course, the short term workaround is to add the ‘abstract’ keyword. 🙂

    #209535 Reply



    In the entity bean wizard there is a “abstract” checkbox on the wizard page. Checking this option will make the CMP entity bean class abstract. But since all entity beans may not be CMP, then we shouldn’t make all entity beans “abstract” by default.

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