- This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 4 months ago by support-swapna.
CS TanParticipantI perform the following steps:
– Open a new workspace
– Temporarily disable Build Automatically
– Checked out a project built on RAD 6.0 into Myeclipse 8.6.1I disabled Build Automatically because in RAD 6.0, before we build, we need to create a source folder ejbDeploy and set it as the EJB Deployment Source Folder. We also set the java complier project setting to ignore a few things (like unused imports). Only then we start to build.
In the myeclipse workspace, I now hv the following on the problem tab
Project ‘BelsizeEJB’ is missing required source folder: ‘ejbDeploy’
Unbound classpath container: ‘JRE System Library [WebSphere v6 JRE]’ in project ‘BelsizeClient’
Unbound classpath container: ‘JRE System Library [WebSphere v6 JRE]’ in project ‘BelsizeConnector’
Unbound classpath container: ‘JRE System Library [WebSphere v6 JRE]’ in project ‘BelsizeEJB’
Unbound classpath container: ‘JRE System Library [WebSphere v6 JRE]’ in project ‘BelsizeWeb’I tried turning on automatic build, I got lots 1800 error and 34000 warnings…
What should I do next…
BTW, we don’t really need the BelsizeConnector and the BelsizeClient project. Its legacy thing.
Here’s a document that provides some direction on the migration process and some considerations you’ll want to keep in mind.
http://www.genuitec.com/blog/?p=256The documents list out the steps for migration.
Please have a look at it and let us know if the issue persists.
CS TanParticipantI managed to go as far as the resolution of the missing classpath. I point it back to the RAD 6 which has a WAS 6.0 runtime. The number of errors are now less. Its broken down as follows. The number at the end of each row is the number of error of that type.
What should I next do?
Summary of error
==============Can not find the tag library descriptor for “http://java.sun.com/jsf/core” 579
Can not find the tag library descriptor for “http://java.sun.com/jsf/html” 578
String cannot be resolved to a type 403
The method getAttribute(String) from the type Editor refers to the missing type Object 76
Vector cannot be resolved to a type 28
The method getParameter(String) from the type ServletRequest refers to the missing type String 25
TaskStatus cannot be resolved to a type 24
ResourceBundle cannot be resolved to a type 23
com_ibm_pvc_wps_docEditor cannot be resolved 16
Undefined type: java.lang.String 16
Scheduler cannot be resolved to a type 14
The method getAttribute(String) from the type Control refers to the missing type Object 14
The method getClass(String, String) from the type StyleHelper refers to the missing type String 13
The method getClassName(String, String) from the type StyleHelper refers to the missing type String 12
The method getAttribute(String) from the type ServletRequest refers to the missing type Object 10
BeanTaskInfo cannot be resolved to a type 9
The method getName() from the type Editor refers to the missing type String 9
Can not find the tag library descriptor for “http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core” 8
The method getHeader(String) from the type HttpServletRequest refers to the missing type String 8
The method getScheduler() from the type SB_ScheduleTaskBean refers to the missing type Scheduler 7
TaskHandlerHome cannot be resolved to a type 6
The method getName() from the type Toolbar refers to the missing type String 5
The method getOrderedToolbars() from the type Editor refers to the missing type Vector 5
Exception cannot be resolved to a type 4
StringTokenizer cannot be resolved to a type 4
The import com.ibm.ws.webservices cannot be resolved 4
The method getJustify() from the type Toolbar refers to the missing type String 4
The method getName() from the type Control refers to the missing type String 4
The method getOrderedControls() from the type Toolbar refers to the missing type Vector 4
Can not find the tag library descriptor for “http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt” 3
TaskInfo cannot be resolved to a type 3
The import com.ibm.websphere.scheduler.TaskStatus cannot be resolved 3
The import java.text cannot be resolved 3
MissingResourceException cannot be resolved to a type 2
ResourceBundle cannot be resolved 2
StringBuffer cannot be resolved to a type 2
The import com.ibm.websphere.scheduler.BeanTaskInfo cannot be resolved 2
The import com.ibm.websphere.scheduler.Scheduler cannot be resolved 2
The import com.ibm.websphere.scheduler.TaskHandlerHome cannot be resolved 2
The method getDefinition() from the type Control refers to the missing type String 2
The method setAttribute(String, Object) from the type Editor refers to the missing type Object 2
IOException cannot be resolved to a type 1
No exception of type ServletException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable 1
The import com.ibm.ejs.util cannot be resolved 1
The import com.ibm.websphere.scheduler.SchedulerNotAvailableException cannot be resolved 1
The import com.ibm.websphere.scheduler.TaskInfo cannot be resolved 1
The import com.ibm.websphere.scheduler.TaskInvalid cannot be resolved 1
The import com.ibm.ws.sib cannot be resolved 1
The import java.io.IOException cannot be resolved 1
The method getBeanTaskInfo() from the type SB_ScheduleTaskBean refers to the missing type BeanTaskInfo 1
The method getContextPath() from the type HttpServletRequest refers to the missing type String 1
The method getProtocolHostPortPrefix(HttpServletRequest) from the type __2F_BelsizeWeb_2F_WebContent_2F__2E_rteres_2F_DocEditor_2F_jsf_2F_RteStarter_2E_jsp refers to the missing type String 1
The method getScheduler() from the type SB_UtilityBean refers to the missing type Scheduler 1
The method getScheme() from the type ServletRequest refers to the missing type String 1
The method getServerName() from the type ServletRequest refers to the missing type String 1
The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for javax.faces.context.FacesContext. Fix the build path then try building this project 1
The type javax.faces.context.FacesContext cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files 1
Uuid cannot be resolved to a type 1
1) Can you clarify if you are using the same version of websphere for both RAD and MyEclipse?
2) Also clear the contents of the .log file which is located at <workspace dir>/.metadata folder. Now try migrating the project and check the .log file for any errors logged. Paste them here for me.
3) Here are couple of threads which discuss the migration issues from RAD to ME. Can you check if any of the solutions discussed in them helps you ?
http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2-printview-t-25710-start-15.htmlLet me know how it works for you.
CS TanParticipantWe are migrating RAD 6.0 (with embedded WAS 6.0) to ME 8.6 to run on WAS 6.1. Looks like from the above posting, migrating and porting cannot be done with the wizard. I have 2 questions at this stage:
a) It seem the only solution is the one suggested by Rashid in http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2-printview-t-26349-start-0.html, it was suggest that an entirely new project be created and then copy the source code across. If this the best way now?
b) Support-Brian mentioned that “even if you did have a 6.0 installation, migrating a 6.0 project [to ME] and then deploying [in ME] to 6.1 is not something I would recommend”. It doesn’t seem right that ME can deploy across multiple App Server but cannot deploy to an upgraded version of the same server. More directly, do we need to do a manual deploy like step a) each time WAS releases a new version?
With ME, we are really hoping to avoid having to migrate to RAD 7 etc… But ME has to work for us long term. Need your suggestion on our next step.
CS TanParticipantI am trying step a) in earlier post and seem to make some progress. Can you help me with the following error
ServiceLocatorManager cannot be resolved
Scheduler cannot be resolved to a type
Where do I need to do?
CS TanParticipantI managed to fixed that. a) Import the scheduler from WAS and b) copy the jar from RAD 6 for the ServiceLocator…
But I have problem when I deploy. There are a series of messages that looks like:
[3/12/11 2:30:20:948 GMT] 00000059 DeployEJBTask I ADMA0158I: [EJBDeploy] Invoking Validation on /Belsize.ear.
[3/12/11 2:30:20:968 GMT] 00000059 DeployEJBTask I ADMA0158I: [EJBDeploy] Invoking RMIC.
[3/12/11 2:30:21:155 GMT] 00000059 DeployEJBTask I ADMA0158I: [EJBDeploy] error: Invalid class file format in C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\wstemp\wstemp\app_12ea7e62bb7\dpl\dpl_Belsize._\BelsizeEJB\ImportedClasses\com\belsize\sb\SB_WithholdingTax.class. The major.minor version ‘50.0’ is too recent for this tool to understand.
[3/12/11 2:30:21:156 GMT] 00000059 DeployEJBTask I ADMA0158I: [EJBDeploy] error: Class com.belsize.sb.SB_WithholdingTax not found in class com.belsize.sb.EJSRemoteStatelessSB_WithholdingTax_ecebb6fb.
[3/12/11 2:30:21:157 GMT] 00000059 DeployEJBTask I ADMA0158I: [EJBDeploy] error: Invalid class file format in C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\wstemp\wstemp\app_12ea7e62bb7\dpl\dpl_Belsize._\BelsizeEJB\ImportedClasses\com\belsize\sb\SB_WithholdingTaxHome.class. The major.minor version ‘50.0’ is too recent for this tool to understand.
[3/12/11 2:30:21:158 GMT] 00000059 DeployEJBTask I ADMA0158I: [EJBDeploy] error: Class com.belsize.sb.SB_WithholdingTaxHome not found in class com.belsize.sb.EJSRemoteStatelessSB_WithholdingTaxHome_ecebb6fb.
…[3/12/11 2:30:22:441 GMT] 00000059 DeployEJBTask I ADMA0158I: [EJBDeploy] 212 errors
[3/12/11 2:30:22:442 GMT] 00000059 DeployEJBTask I ADMA0158I: [EJBDeploy] Further details have been recorded in the .log file in C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\wstemp\wstemp\app_12ea7e62bb7\dpl\dpl_Belsize._\.metadata.
[3/12/11 2:30:22:443 GMT] 00000059 DeployEJBTask I ADMA0158I: [EJBDeploy] RMIC command was:
[3/12/11 2:30:22:444 GMT] 00000059 DeployEJBTask I ADMA0158I: [EJBDeploy] -extdirs C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\jre\lib\vm.jar;C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\jre\lib\core.jar;C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\jre\lib\charsets.jar;C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\jre\lib\graphics.jar;C:\IBM\WebSphere
[3/12/11 2:30:23:136 GMT] 00000057 DeployEJBTask E ADMA0086E: An error occurred from the EJBDeploy program: com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.AdminException: ADMA0063E: An error occurred in EJB deployment – [An unexpected exception was thrown. Halting execution.]
at com.ibm.ws.management.application.task.DeployEJBTask.performTask(DeployEJBTask.java:355)
at com.ibm.ws.management.application.SchedulerImpl.run(SchedulerImpl.java:263)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:799)
[severity -]
CS TanParticipantOk…I managed to get the application to work. There was a conflict in the complier version.
Glad that it is working.
Do let us know if you have any other issues.
neelimabishtMembercannot find the tag library descriptor for http //java.sun.com/jsf/core
i cnt find the tag library
Sorry that you are seeing this issue.
Can you please answer some more questions for us ?
1. From which version of RAD are you migrating the project ? Can you clarify if you are using the same version of websphere for both RAD and MyEclipse?
2. Take a look at these documents to understand the migration process :
http://www.genuitec.com/blog/?p=2563. Did you check if the required jar is in the project ? Also please recheck the compiler version.
4. Can you please try a rebuild of the entire project and see if it helps ?
Let us know how it works for you.