
Error configuring the DWR service

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  • #314918 Reply


    Hy. I downloaded MYEclipse Spring and i do started a learning about this.
    When i tried configure thte DWR service, showing in “MyEclipse for Spring 8.6: Spring DSL Tutorial (Part 2 of 2) – Use the Spring DSL” tutorial i receive those errors:
    -> doSomething must have a name specified
    -> The atribute “extendedCore” of ‘Dwr Service’ contains a reference toa no-existent object ‘MySpringProject.org.acme.doSomething(54d0382e…’

    Thanks for any help!


    #315074 Reply


    Can you export your project and mail it to me at jkennedy@skywaysoftware.com.

    Can you also provide the high level steps to reproduce.


    #315129 Reply


    Hi, thanks for responding.
    I sent the project to you.

    I don’t know if it is exactly what you needed but here are the steps:

    I instaled the MyEclipse for Spring 8.6 and after:
    1) I Created a project called MyEclipse Project;
    2) I added Spring Code Generation Capabilities, enabling Spring DSL
    2.a) Selected “add the MyEclipse Spring nature” option; (Next);
    2.b) Selected “Enable web layer code Generation” option (Next);
    2.c) Selected “Enable domain layer code Generation” option (Next);
    2.d) Selected “Enable data access layer code Generation” option (Next);
    2.e) I Selected Spring 2.5 in run time dependencies;
    3) In Spring DSL viewer, i created a model package called org.acme.service;
    4) Using “New Service Wizard” option, i created a a service called MyService;
    5) In “Service Overview” I selected “Spring bean configuration” and after, a new operation called doSomething();
    “Generated Viewer” showed me: MyServiceImpl, MyService and MyServiceTest
    6) In MyServiceImpl class, i implemented the doSomeThing() method with the code:
    @Transactional(isolation = Isolation.DEFAULT, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
    public void doSomething() {
    System.out.println(“Oi. Estamos fazendo um teste”);
    7) After i clicked in JAXWS tab and i marked Publish WebService;
    8) When i clicked in DWR tab the aplication showed me 2 error:
    -> doSomething must have a name specified
    -> The atribute “extendedCore” of ‘Dwr Service’ contains a reference toa no-existent object ‘MySpringProject.org.acme.doSomething(54d0382e…’


    #315200 Reply


    Thank you for the steps to reproduce and the project export.

    We are working this issue now, but as a work around, can you please take the following steps:

    1. Open the “Navigator” view in order to see the project resources
    2. Close any open Editors
    3. Delete the two files that have Error markers on them (they should start with . like .dwrService)
    4. Switch back to the Project Explorer and open the Service again and “recheck” the expose as DWR Service

    There seems to be an issue with the DSL synchronization.


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