
error in hot swap code [Closed]

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  • #199434 Reply


    hi guys

    not sure if this question belongs to this forum, if not, please let me know where should i post it.

    I am debugging a web app using

    jdk 1.4.2
    eclipse 2.1.1
    myeclipse 2.6.1

    and when i modify my code during debug session sometimes it does replace the old code and restarts the whole session (repositions cursor at the beginning of the code ) but most of the times it gives the following error:
    Bootrap at localhost:7082
    Obsolet methods in the stack……

    have anyone got this one?

    #199437 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    This message is shown by Eclipse when it is unable to update the stackframes of the remote JVM running your code. It is typically caused by modifying code in such a way that the “shape” of a class is changed, which is outside the current capabilities of Sun’s JDPA specification. By “shape” I mean adding/removing member variables or methods, changing method signatures, etc. Basically all that is really supported is modifying the code within a method, at this point. Sun plans on making larger changes possible in the future. I’ve also seen this type of behavior more often when modifying an inner class. Inner classes seem to be much harder to update in the remote JVM. To work around the issue, I’d suggest letting the code continue to exectue and then modifying your classes when you’re not stopped at a breakpoint. This seems to cause the issue to occur less frequently. Or, it could be a bug in the new Sun JVM, as it has been in the past. 🙂

    MyEclipse Support

    #199439 Reply


    hi Scott
    thanks a lot for your quick reply once again.
    actually, all what am doing is changing the code inside a method, and no inner class…..
    i checked the preferences for my workbench, and it is pointing to jdk 1.4.2
    for the time being, am doing exactly what you suggested…

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