
Error on loading .ipa file in Application loader on a Mac

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  • #342214 Reply


    I have created the app in Mobione and i should be able to upload it via Application loader on a MacBook.
    I get to click the “deliver your app” in the Application loader and choose my app that i have in Itunes connect, and choose the .ipa file i have created through Mobione – open and send.

    But i get 3 errors messages:

    1. my app contains non-public API usage please review your app and correct them, and resubmit your app – what can i do here? it does NOT say where the error is.

    app are not permited to access the UDID and must not use the uniqueldentifier method of UIDevice. what do i do here and how?

    I have written to mailto:appreview@apple.com for support as well but has anyone had the same problem?
    What do i need to do to get this on its way?

    Please help me 🙂

    #342237 Reply


    What version of mobione are you using?

    Did you build your app with mobione App Center Builder or on your mac using XCode?

    Apple deprecated access to the device id info more than a year ago. The latest MobiOne 2.3.2 or 2.5M1 provide access to Cordova 2.2 and 2.9 respectively. My understanding from the api docs is that neither version is using the older api for accessing the deprecated iOS device api, see http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.2.0/cordova_device_device.md.html#device.uuid and notice that ios does not provide a globally unique id on ios.

    #342239 Reply


    my app is build in Mobione only v1.5.0 i did not use the Mac for anything else than to try to get my app into appstore as this is the only way.
    As you have described it here: http://www.genuitec.com/mobile/docs/buildiosapp/buildiosapp.html in part 6.

    “Apple deprecated access to the device id info more than a year ago.” How do i make sure that this is not the case?

    do i need to make a new certificate?

    This is the answer i got from Apple (i did not find this helpful, but maybe you will):

    While you may have removed access and usage of UDIDs from your app, the invalid binary message indicates that your app uses or accesses UDIDs in some way. Please check your source code for any occurrence of the “uniqueIdentifier” method as this is the method that returns a device’s UDID.

    Additionally, if you are linking to an external framework, such as an advertising library, these third party libraries may be accessing UDIDs. We encourage you to update your libraries to the most recent versions and use the “nm” tool to determine if the libraries are calling this method.

    For more information on the “nm” tool, please see the manual page for the “nm” tool in Xcode Tools:


    If you do not have access to the libraries’s source, you may be able to search the compiled binary using the “strings” or “tool” command line tools. The “strings” tool can output a list of the methods that the library calls and “tool -ov” will output the Objective-C class structures and their defined methods. These techniques can help you narrow down where the problematic code resides.

    Hope you can help me solve this – thanks
    Regards Mattie

    #342240 Reply


    >my app is build in Mobione only v1.5.0

    Apple deprecated access to the device id info more than a year ago. The latest MobiOne 2.3.2 or 2.5M1 provide access to Cordova/PhoneGap 2.2 and 2.9 respectively. My understanding from the api docs is that neither version is using the older api for accessing the deprecated iOS device api, see http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.2.0/cordo … evice.uuid and notice that ios does not provide a globally unique id on ios.

    Recommend you upgrade to MobiOne 2.3.2. Be sure you back up your project before upgrading.

    #342252 Reply


    I have tried to update my mobione with no luck.
    where can i upgrade to MobiOne 2.3.2 and do i have to pay again?

    #342253 Reply


    There is no additional fee to upgrade.
    You can find the latest installers here.

    #342264 Reply


    very nice feature with the upgrade button once i run of the .exe file, and Mobione finds the older version on my pc 🙂 this is so cool 🙂

    Do i need the DEVELOPER PREVIEW VERSION: 2.5 – MILESTONE 1 as well for the problems i had to be fixed?


    #342269 Reply


    The update seemed to fix all the errors i got earlier, but i had to do quiet a few updates on my app.

    Unfortunately i am getting 1 new error this time the app loads to the app store but after a minute it sends me a message saying:

    Dear developer,
    We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery. To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
    Invalid Image Path – No image found at the path referenced under key “CFBundleIcons”: icon-72.png ….

    I have no idea where to find the “CFBundleIcons” and i know i have no image called “icon-72.png”
    Any suggestions as how i can fix this?

    #342271 Reply


    Are you including all of the proper image sizes and formats with your app?
    The ios build wizard calls out the sizes? If the complaint is regarding the 72×72 ipad icon then start there and confirm you are including a 72×72 png with no alpha transparency.

    See ios app image requirements doc here.

    #342274 Reply


    Yes i have icluded all icons and even in the right size.

    I am not building this app for iPad so i cannot insurt an image here as it is grayed out. I will tried to make a little work arround by going back in the “application builder” in Mobione, in the “device and Application” chose the “universal” and then i can get to upload the icon in question.
    Once the icon72x72.png was in place i went back and chose only for “iphone and ipod” again.

    This seems to have done the trick – maybe this can be fixed in mobione?

    The message i am getting now is that it is “waiting for review” and i should hear from the within 24 hours… i am soo exited.

    let me know if this was a fix in mobione 🙂

    Such a cool program – thanks a lot
    regrads Mattie Legros

    #342275 Reply


    We are investigating why the 72px image issue arose. Can you share any details for how you configured the ios build wizard when you created the rejected app?

    #342278 Reply


    Sure 🙂

    The rejected app was configured like this:

    In the “Device & Orientation” tab this is what i chose:

    And in the “App and Startup Images” tab i could NOT choose the iPad72x72:

    It let me create the .ipa file without any error doing so.

    i only knew that something was wrong when i got the email from itunesconnect.

    hope this is what you needed.
    let me know if i misunderstood you 🙂

    regards Mattie Legros

    #342281 Reply


    thx, investigating.

    #342464 Reply


    @support-wayne wrote:

    There is no additional fee to upgrade.
    You can find the latest installers here.

    I am getting this message every time i load the Mobione after i have upgraded to this new version:

    I have tried both ” check for updates” and “continue” no luck it keeps coming up.

    #342465 Reply


    This notice informs you that the MobiOne 2.5 milestone-1 will expire at the end of the month. This is standard practice for milestone versions to expire and be replaced by either a production version or a new milestone. We are testing a new release now and hope to have it available tomorrow if all gets well. Check for Software Updates will identify when the update is available. We will also post on the website and here on the News and Info forum.

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