
ERROR : page already active

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  • #341585 Reply

    I report an issue is breacking any app funtctionality.
    It seems to happen ramdomly navigating up and down through pages

    I have
    Page welcome
    Page main
    Page event
    Welcome<–Event (error)


    Page #m1-welcome already active cordova-2.2.0.js:5248
    (anonymous function) cordova-2.2.0.js:5248
    callPreTransition phoneui.js:938
    phoneui.gotoScreen.phoneui.gotoPage phoneui.js:1242
    m1Design.actions.action25 welcome.js:59
    runUserCode phoneui.js:1549
    doClick phoneui.js:2210
    (anonymous function) phoneui.js:2334
    v.event.dispatch jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2


    Page #m1-event already active cordova-2.2.0.js:5248
    (anonymous function)

    I’m on mobione 2.5.0 Milestone-1
    Please help because I need to go in production.

    #341653 Reply

    Hi Max,

    We are not familiar with this problem. Could you share a sample project that help us replicate the problem to investigate?

    #341654 Reply

    I’ve sent by the ticket system the main project where I got these kind of issues.
    You can test from there.
    ps: I have found a way to have iscrool working on info screen (I added a iScroll.refresh())
    but I have similar scroller issue with the list widget in the events screen first time access from the welcome screen
    Please update me also by ticket support system.

    #353140 Reply

    Darshan Patel

    facing a similiar issue…

    #353144 Reply

    @ darshanpatel

    Could you be more specific on your issue, screen shots or same code can help us find the problem as well.

    #353172 Reply

    Darshan Patel

    assume that, i have a login page, menu page, order page

    i have session maintained, so if another user logs in using same id then the prev user get logged out and land on the login page.
    so 8/10 times the user lands on the login page and works perfectly but 2/10 times it just shows the msg which i alerted and stays on that page itself, doesnt redirects to login page… and in console shows this msg “Page #m1-login already active”

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    #353174 Reply


    Not having seen this outside this forum would it be possible to share this project so I can look at it? or if its too big can you create a smaller project that replicates the issue and share.


    #353195 Reply

    Darshan Patel

    not possible… cz its very large and its been setup in test environment locally.. so you wont be recieving any data… and also you wont get this error as well…

    i’ll try to replicate it.. or find some way..

    #353201 Reply

    Great, let me know if you find out anything.

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