
Error starting JBoss 5.0

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  • #266965 Reply

    I am getting the following error [BaseModelMBean] Exception invoking method addChild blabla… trying to start JBoss 5.0.0 Beta 1 from MyEclipse 5.1.1.
    I am using the JBoss 4 connetor setup.
    The problem is similar to this:

    Do you have a reciepe for custom configuration of JBoss 5.0 pending full support ?
    I would really appreciate.



    #266984 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If I’m not mistaken JBoss 5 is planned to go into our upcomming 5.5 release, I don’t have a workaround for you right now using our JBoss 4 connector, sorry.

    #267091 Reply

    Riyad : thank you for a prompt answer.


    #267093 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We gave a presentation last night are EclipseCon and all the JEE 5 servers are planned to go into 5.5 (Sun App, Glassfish 2, JBoss 5, etc.) so it’s official. We should get a M2 release out the door here in the next 2-3 weeks.

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