
Error while building JSP’s in MyEclipse

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  • #220582 Reply



    I have 3 jsps’ say , Main.jsp , Header.jsp , footer.jsp. I am including header.jsp and footer.jsp into Main.jsp. (inculde directive)

    Header.jsp and footer.jsp has some jsp expression tags which will get the values from variables which are declared in Main.jsp.

    While building using myEclipse, I am getting error in Header.jsp and Footer.jsp says cannot resolve symbol (that declared variables in Main.jsp)..I don’t know that y this error is coming?

    How do I resolve this?

    #220602 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    When you have JSP pages that cannot stand (compile) on their own as valid JSP pages and are solely intended to be included in other pages, they should be named with a .jspf extension, stands for “JSP Fragment” or “JSP Segment” as the 1.4 spec calls it.

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