
Errors with Facelets Validator

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  • #277463 Reply



    I am using MyEclipse 6.0.

    I am busy on a web project, using MyFaces 1.2.0 and Facelets 1.1.

    I didn”t use the MyEclipse “JSF/Facelets capabilities” that, according to me, prevent me to do a sensible Ant build file. Also, I am using more than one face-config files.
    (FYI, if I double-click on the faces-config.xml, I have a message telling me my project is not configured as a MyEclipse Web/JSF project)

    Everything is working fine for my application.

    However, the Facelets Validator that is responsible to validate JSF variable is giving me false warnings: all managed beans, validators, converters are perfectly well -defined.

    So far, I disabled the Facelets validator but that is a pity, since this kind of warning could be very valuable.

    How can I make this Facelets Validator working fine ?

    Thank you,


    #277510 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I didn”t use the MyEclipse “JSF/Facelets capabilities” that, according to me, prevent me to do a sensible Ant build file.

    Why did those capabilities stop you from creating an Ant build file? This might be an issue we should look into. Please explain.

    Also, I am using more than one face-config files.

    That’s fine… what problem did you run into here? You just need to have them coma-delimited in the web.xml file.

    However, the Facelets Validator that is responsible to validate JSF variable is giving me false warnings: all managed beans, validators, converters are perfectly well -defined.

    I would need an example project that is syntactically correct to check this problem again. Would you be able to provide such an example for us to debug?

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