
Evaluating a selectOne menu

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  • #221341 Reply


    I have a string variable (sqlQuery) whose value I want to change based upon the selection made in a dropdown control (a selectone menu, whose selected item is wired to the searchType property). The menu is like so:

    <h:selectOneMenu value=”#{BarChartSelectionsBean.searchType}” >
    <f:selectItems value=”#{BarChartSelectionsBean.searchTypeItems}” />

    In the managed bean, I have the following code that is supposed to evaluate searchType, and set and get a particular string for sqlQuery based upon the searchType selection. It always returns a null pointer exception (even though I know the searchType variable is resolving, as I’m printing it out to the browser):

    public void setSqlQuery()
    if (this.searchType.equals(“consumption”))
    sqlQuery = “this”;
    sqlQuery = “that”;

    public String getSqlQuery()
    return sqlQuery;

    I’m baffled. How do I go about modifying the value of the sqlQuery variable based upon the searchType selection made by the user?

    #221435 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev, this is not an ME issue but a JSF question.

    brad to get a more effective answer we likely need to see the code for the entire form on the JSP page, as well as the bean impl.

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