
Exadel Studio Pro

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  • #252506 Reply

    Steve Gutter

    I’m an avid fan of MyEclipse (I’m on version 4.1).
    From what I’ve seen of Exadel Studio, it would add some more bells and whistles that would be very helpful.
    Can Exadel Studio run with MyEclipse?
    According to Exadel, you and they both use the Web Tools Project (WTP) interface,
    and neither are just regular plugins like CFEclipse (their words, not mine).
    My apologies if they are a competitor.
    If it comes down to being able to only use one of the two products, its MyEclipse for sure.
    Do you know if I can install Exadel Studio Pro (yes, it costs $199) with MyEclipse?

    #252550 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can Exadel Studio run with MyEclipse?

    No, not well. Both products do similar things, if you don’t run into plugin conflicts you will run into usability conflicts (which editor opens which file, etc.). It’s a lot like trying to use two different sized hammers at the same time to nail the same nail.

    According to Exadel, you and they both use the Web Tools Project (WTP) interface,
    and neither are just regular plugins like CFEclipse (their words, not mine).

    Everyone in the Eclipse web-space is normalizing on the WTP platform (Us, Exadel, BEA Workshop, etc.), this is so all the project layouts and basic server functionality is consistent, then we all intend to compete at a feature level instead of all of us reinventing the same wheel (e.g. JSP editing) over and over. I’m not farmiliar with CFEclipse, so I don’t know what that means.

    My apologies if they are a competitor.

    No need to appologize, everyone is working hard to make good tools.

    If it comes down to being able to only use one of the two products, its MyEclipse for sure.

    We appreciate the support, and will reward you with more and more features until your eyes bleed 🙂

    Do you know if I can install Exadel Studio Pro (yes, it costs $199) with MyEclipse?

    I’ve only seen users have problems when they had both installed, BUT if you were adament about having them both installed, I would definately suggest downloading the trials of each and setting up a new Eclipse install just for testing, then use it for a week and see if everything works. Although I would point out that if you have problems and come back to either our forums or their forums with conflicts and exceptions, chances are very high that we will suggest a clean install of just one product or the other, then re-test the scenario that was causing the exception and see if it works since it’s impossible for either support team to really help trouble shoot a problem if another product is getting in the way (again like using two hammers for the same nail).

    Out of curiosity what is the functionality in Exadel that you are missing in MyEclipse? Maybe I can take this to management and say “See, we need this”.

    #314496 Reply


    I am trying to do JSF visual developement with Eclipse , can i use Exadel plugin along with Eclipse to achive this ?


    #314545 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    MyEclipse has it’s own visual JSF tools which are incompatible with Exadel, you cannot use them with MyEclipse. Are there any specific features that you are missing in MyEclipse?

    If you need assistance with Exadel + Eclipse (and not MyEclipse) please ask on the Exadel forums.

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