
Example – load local & remote xml file; parse content

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  • #340159 Reply


    Attached is a small project that demonstrates how to load both local and remote xml files in a specific format. Then parse and display an element content from the document. I plan to write an article that explains the example in more detail. A link to a rough screencast is included below.

    Here are some highlights:

    1) Load XML buttons have an OnClick action that calls a javascript function loadXML(url) that I wrote

    2) The loadXML(url) function is in the LoadXMLFileDemo_custom.js See attachment screenshot.png

    Screencast: http://goo.gl/XSfj0

    See attachment LoadXMLFileDemo.zip

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    #340241 Reply



    I try using your test sample code but it don’t work

    #340251 Reply



    Please see the screencast I just added to the main article above that demonstrates installing and running the example with in the Test Center. If you are running this demo elsewhere you must remember to deal with the same-origin web security requirements that apply to all web resource requests.

    #348425 Reply


    wondering if you can help with image in xml to be displayed.
    also help with show xml on load without a button
    thank you.

    #348430 Reply

    Hi adrog,

    Please open a new thread in the Getting help forum and share as much information as you can about the problem so we can have a better idea how to help you.

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