
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFo

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  • #311535 Reply


    I am trying to do a simple run from the IDE and I am getting this error somewhat randomly.

    I am running MyEclipse 8.6 on a windows 7 machine.

    It seems obvious that this has to do with classpaths but they look fine in the run configuration. I have two classes in a project that seemly have the same classpaths.
    One gets the error and another doesn’t.

    1) Is there any way to get MyEclipse or Java to tell me where it is searching?
    2) How do I fix this so it stays fixed?

    This all started when I added an ical4j project (which has this problem) and added a reference to it. The Project dependancy and the build source path have been removed from my new project but the problem remains.


    #311540 Reply


    1) Is there any way to get MyEclipse or Java to tell me where it is searching?

    Can you look for any errors logged in the problems view or in the log file located at workspace dir > .metadata > .log?
    Also, can you clean on your project? Go to Project > Clean from the toolbar and select then select your project to clean.
    Let me know how that works for you.

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