
Exception occurred executing command line.

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  • #229522 Reply


    This error message im getting whenever im trying to run a program from eclipse.

    “Exception occurred executing command line.
    Starting virtual machine…”

    Plz help me .what to do next………..

    #229530 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    That sounds like the JDK you’re using to start eclipse has a problem. You should check the setting at Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs and ensure that you’ve got a full JDK installed as the default and the root points to <jdk-installation-folder>, not <jdk-installation-folder>\jre

    #265379 Reply


    I am having the same problem but usually I can start project couple times and after that i am getting the same error.

    #273712 Reply


    @krzysiekM wrote:

    I am having the same problem but usually I can start project couple times and after that i am getting the same error.

    Even I came across such a problem. Later I tried to run my application using a different IDE and realised that it is probably because of Not enough memory. It was throwing an “Out of Memory” exception which is not properly displayed by Eclipse.

    Just try closing all other applications running on the machine and run only ur application separately. That may help.


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